January 2025 Horoscope: Water signs rule the heavens and it’s sink or swim

Happy New Year, Starseeds!

2K25 begins after a busy new moon in Capricorn. The Sun will spend most of the month in the sign of effort and brilliance of the Sea Goat before ascending to the Aquarius space cadet cabin on January 19th.

The big news of the month and new year comes on January 11th when the lunar nodes move into the axis of Virgo and Pisces, AKA the axis of practical magic.

The brilliant astrologer and tarot card reader Elise Wells of Planet Poetica is on hand to shed light on the planetary movements at play.

The big news of the month and the new year comes on January 11, when the lunar nodes move into the Virgo/Pisces axis.

Wells tells The Post, “With the North Node in Pisces, we are collectively tasked with integrating (Pisces) rather than dividing (Virgo). How do you allow yourself, as an individual in the pattern (Virgo), to dissolve into the ebb and flow of order/chaos, creation/destruction, union/emergence.”

Cue the words of Virgo Sun/Pisces Moon and pure priest Leonard Cohen, who reminds us in his poem “Good Advice for Someone Like Me:”

“After the pain
someone is having fun

after torture
there is love

who will buy
this bull

if you don’t become an ocean
you will be seasick
every day.”

Buy the ticket, ride the wave.

Leonard Cohen playing live in 1974. Getty

On January 13th, we are all invited to mourn our healing during the full wolf moon in Cancer, the first full moon of the new year. On January 29 we celebrate the Lunar New Year. Get ready to spill when the Year of the Snake slips into focus.

Wells indicates that Mars, our planet of will and desire, and Venus, our planet of wealth and value, will spend most of January in water signs.

“Mars in Cancer can make us a little softer in our desires and they can stay closer to home and family. We can harness our desires not only physically, but also psychically.”

Meanwhile, “With Venus in Pisces, the energy is very moana. We are connected by heart
ocean, in that resonance and frequency that we can always tune into, but can touch intensely during this time.”

Tap, lock and read your horoscope for January 2025. Read about your sun and birth signs.

Rina – stock.adobe.com

“Chiron continues to work in your sign this month, Aries. In Aries, Chiron is as much about burning through karma as working through it. Remember, the wounded healer does not “wound and then heal,” but is constantly aware of experiencing grief and heartbreak as the pathway through the human experience. Keep feeling, keep healing, baby.”

Rina – stock.adobe.com

Uranus is in your sign, Taurus, and that can really mean pulling that genius, weird, out-of-left-field, wild, wonderful energy down into the body for upgrades. Uranus represents technologies – and isn’t the body the latest intelligent, transformative technology of all? It’s about that lightning in a bottle that you drink down to get up.”

Rina – stock.adobe.com

“With Jupiter in your sign this month, your downloads will double and the whispers in the wind will speak sweet and true to you, Gemini. Listen not only with your ears, but with all your senses. Jupiter trades in tokens, chips, coins, gems, and in your sign of communication and information, mantras, mandalas, images, and symbols can provide the windfall you need and the courage to say what you need to say.

Rina – stock.adobe.com

“Mars will be retrograde in your sign for most of the month, Cancer. This energy can set your desire on fire. With Mars in the mix, your emo energy can go somewhere; can do something. You don’t always have to sit with your feelings; you already own it. Now is the time to make fuel from your feelings; use them to propel you forward and into the life you want.”

Rina – stock.adobe.com

“With Pluto in Aquarius opposite your sign, the axis of play and detachment is very much at the fore for you, Leo. It’s about the dynamic tension between the party life and the wallflower; both can be an embodied, empowered attitude! You are shedding sunlight, warmth and vitality into cold, futuristic places – melt Pluto and make it your ally to walk through them.

Rina – stock.adobe.com

The South Node begins its cycle through your sign, Virgo. Now you can go to the metaphorical underworld, lean back and down and find little treasures in the dirt you thought you’d lost forever. By treasure I mean sweet memories, forgotten truths, spiritual gifts and pieces of the soul. Now’s your chance to collect it all, pocket it, and move forward with what you need.”

Rina – stock.adobe.com

“Happy New Year, Libra. You may feel a sense of relief and closure as the South Node leaves your sign where it has shaken and changed you for the past 18 months. Now that your fires of individuation are lit, you can let them burn slowly and actively unfold in how you relate to others responsibly and fairly. You can connect and support without sacrifice or submission.”

Rina – stock.adobe.com

“The skies are clear for Scorpions. With Uranus, the planet of surprises, genius, new technologies, and lightning in your opposite sign of Taurus, you may feel drawn to support yourself in unusual ways for the purposes of advancement and protection. Your water sign runs close to the deep earth, and the more you dig, the more you can find new, clever ways to feel safe and secure.

Rina – stock.adobe.com

“With Jupiter, the planet of expansion and wealth, working in conjunction with Gemini, you’re really able to ‘ventilate’ the thoughts, feelings and patterns you’ve been keeping bottled up and inside, Sagittarius. Your mission is to give these floating forces expression, communication and conversation in a big way. Even if you are speaking to the abstract idea of ​​the world, your messages, sent and received, will be blessed.”

Rina – stock.adobe.com

Wells shares, “With Mercury in your sign for most of the month, prepare to get serious
mind, Capricorn. This is related not only to the quality of your thoughts, but also to your ability to use the consciousness and collective super consciousness that lives in the 8th house. You will need both to become what you have dreamed of. Castles in the mind, clay in the hands, children.”

Rina – stock.adobe.com

“Ah, Aquarius, you should feel the relief of Pluto moving into your sign and coming up for air. Aquarius cares about humanity, but also cares about having a view from above; can detach and heal and think about ideas and perspectives that are not available from the close and deeply personal perspective. This is truly a superpower. Just remember to come down and warm up after you have the intelligence you need.”

Rina – stock.adobe.com

“The North Node of Destiny moves into your sign on January 12, Pisces. You may experience a sense of returning to your true self, knowing more about where you came from and where you are going. You are blessed/baptized with the ability to enter other people’s waves and get right out without drowning. The next 18 months are helping you discover your true, wildly original purpose.”

Astrology 101: Your Guide to the Star

Astrologer Reda Wigle researches and reports irreverently on planetary configurations and their effect on each zodiac sign. Her horoscopes integrate history, poetry, pop culture and personal experience. To book a reading, visit her website.

#January #Horoscope #Water #signs #rule #heavens #sink #swim
Image Source : nypost.com

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